Homoeopathy is the world’s most widely used alternative system of medicine. Homoeopathic remedies help the body’s own healing power to bring about health and well-being. It is a more individualized approach to the disease as each person has a different cause for a health problem. The treatment is decided based on both the physical and mental aspects of the patient thus making it a true holistic way of curing the disease.
Female disorders : Painful menstruation also known as Dysmenorrhoea is another disturbing complaint for many women. Most women get habituated of taking painkillers and anti spasmodic tablets during every menstrual cycle. Depending upon the cause i.e. endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pelvic congestion the intensity of the pain . . .
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Child Care : The commonest complaints that parents come with are that their children have frequent cold and cough and are exhausted giving them cough syrups and antibiotics. They also talk about Poor appetite in children, Milk intolerance, Behavioural disorders like poor concentration and attention deficit hyperactive. . .
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Joint pains : Treating joint pains with Homoeopathic medicines is a subject which is of special interest to me. This happened when multiple cases of women post 45yrs of age visited me with common complaints of either knee pain, multiple joint pains, Sciatica, backache. . .
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Recurrent cold and cough : This is one of most common ailments for which people take Homoeopathic treatment. Most of the times the cause is purely allergic as patients complain of getting an episode of cold and cough with the slightest change of weather, intake of cold drinks, dust allergy. . .
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